- Mass loss rates of Li-rich AGB/RGB stars from GAIA data,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Bol. SAB 32, no. 1, 159 (2020)
abstract (HTML)
- Elemental abundances in the center of the Galactic thin disc,
V. V. Kovtyukh, S. M. Andrievsky, R. P. Martin, S. A. Korotin, J. R. D. Lépine, W. J. Maciel,
L. E. Keir, E. A. Panko, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 489, 2254 (2019)
abstract (HTML)
- The case of NGC 6302: The impact of shocks in the derivation of Nitrogen abundances,
P. J. A. Lago, R. D. D. Costa, M. Faúndez-Abans, W. J. Maciel,
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 489, 2923 (2019)
abstract (HTML)
- Galactic radial abundance gradients: cepheids and photoionized nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, S. Andrievsky,
II Workshop Chemical abundances in gaseous nebulae, ed. M. V. Cardaci, G. F. Hagele,
E. Pérez-Montero, AAA Workshop Series Vol. 11, 95 (2019)
abstract (HTML)
- The time evolution of the Milky Ways oxygen abundance gradient,
M. Mollá, A. I. Díaz, O. Cavichia, B. K. Gibson, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa,
Y. Ascasibar, C. G. Few, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 482, 3071 (2019)
abstract (HTML)
- An estimate of the mass loss rates of Li-rich AGB/RGB stars,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Bol. SAB 31, no. 1, 83 (2019)
abstract (HTML)
- Mass loss rates of Li-rich AGB/RGB stars,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D Costa, Astronomische Nachrichten 339, 168 (2018)
abstract (HTML)
- The evolution of the radial gradient of oxygen abundance in spiral galaxies,
M. Mollá, A. I. Díaz Y. Acasibar, B. K. Gibson, O. Cavichia, R. D. D Costa, W. J. Maciel,
Workshop Chemical abundances in gaseous nebulae, AAA Workshop Series, ed. G. Hägele
et al., 10, 81 (2018)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical abundances of photoionized nebulae in the Local Group,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D Costa, O. Cavichia,
Workshop Chemical abundances in gaseous nebulae, AAA Workshop Series, ed. G. Hägele et
al., 10, 91 (2018)
abstract (HTML)
- Improving the determination of chemical abundances in planetary nebulae,
O. Cavichia, R. D. D Costa, W. J. Maciel, M. Mollá, Workshop Chemical abundances
in gaseous nebulae, AAA Workshop Series, ed. G. Hägele et al., 10, 173 (2018)
abstract (HTML)
- The population of planetary nebulae near the Galactic centre: chemical abundances,
O. Cavichia, R. D. D Costa, W. J. Maciel, M. Mollá, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron.
Soc. 468, 272 (2017)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundances in photoionized nebulae of the Local Group and nucleosynthesis of intermediate
mass stars, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D Costa, O. Cavichia, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof. 53, 1 (2017)
abstract (HTML)
- The evolution of the oxygen abundance radial gradient in the Milky Way Galaxy,
M. Mollá, O. Cavichia, R. D. D Costa, W. J. Maciel, B. K. Gibson, A. I. Díaz,
Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 323, Planetary nebulae: Multi-wavelength probes of stellar and galactic
evolution, ed. X. Liu et al., CUP, 323, 245 (2017)
abstract (HTML)
- Li-rich AGB/RGB stars: Lithium abundances and mass loss, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa,
The 19th Cambridge Worskshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. G. A.
Feiden (2016)
abstract (HTML)
- Nucleosynthesis of intermediate mass stars: inferences from the observed abundances
in photoionized nebulae of the Local Group, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, O. Cavichia,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) , (2016)
abstract (HTML)
- Radial abundance gradients from planetary nebulae at different
distances from the galactic plane, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, O. Cavichia,
Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof. 51, 163 (2015)
abstract (HTML)
- Photoionized nebulae in the Local Group: Nucleosynthesis and chemical
evolution, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, O. Cavichia Nuclei in the Cosmos XIII.
abstract (HTML)
- Li-rich AGB/RGB stars: Abundance correlations with stellar properties,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Why galaxies care about AGB stars III.
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 497, 313 (2015)
abstract (HTML)
- Oxygen abundance distribution in Galactic disc,
S. A. Korotin, S. M. Andrievsky, R. E. Luck, J. R. D. Lépine,
W. J. Maciel, V. V. Kovtyukh, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc.
444, 3301 (2014)
abstract (HTML)
- UV spectral analysis of very hot H-deficient [WCE]-type central stars of planetary nebulae:
NGC 2867, NGC 5189, NGC 6905, Pb 6 and Sand 3,
G. R. Keller, L. Bianchi, W. J. Maciel, Monthly Notices Roy.
Astron. Soc. 442, 1379-1395 (2014)
abstract (HTML)
- CUBES: cassegrain U-band Brazil-ESO spectrograph,
B. Barbuy, V. Bawden Macanhan, P. Bristow, B. Castilho, H. Dekker, B. Delabre,
M. Diaz, C. Gneiding, F. Kerber, H. Kuntschner, G. La Mura, W. Maciel, J. Meléndez,
L. Pasquini, C. B. Pereira, P. Petitjean, R. Reiss, C. Siqueira-Mello, R. Smiljanic, J. Vernet
Astrophys Space Sci. 354, 191 (2014)
abstract (HTML)
- Symmetric and asymmetric planetary nebulae and the time variation of the radial
abundance gradients,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa
Asymmetrical planetary nebulae VI, Ed. C. Morisset, G. Delgado-
Inglada, S. Torres-Peimbert (2014)
abstract (HTML)
- The role of the galactic bar in the chemical evolution of the Milky Way,
O. Cavichia, M. Mollá, R. D. D. Costa, W. J. Maciel, Monthly Notices
Roy. Astron. Soc. 437, 3688–3701 (2014)
abstract (HTML)
- Time variation of the O/H radial gradient in the galactic disk based on
planetary nebulae, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof.
49, 333-343 (2013)
abstract (HTML)
- Ages of evolved low mass stars: central stars of planetary nebulae and white dwarfs,
W. J. Maciel, T. S. Rodrigues, R. D. D. Costa,
40th. Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium,
Ed. J. Montalbán, A. Noels, V. Van Grootel,
The European Physical Journal, , Web of Conferences 43, 05004 (2013)
abstract (HTML)
- Barium abundances in cepheids,
S. M. Andrievsky, J. R. D. Lépine, S. A. Korotin, R. E. Luck,
V. V. Kovtyukh, W. J. Maciel, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc.
428, 3252-3261 (2013)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary nebulae and determination of the bulge-disk boundary, R. D. D. Costa,
O. Cavichia, W. J. Maciel, Advancing the physics of cosmic distances, IAU Symposium 289,
Ed. R. de Grijs, 375-378 (2013)
abstract (HTML)
- Using grids of high resolution synthetic spectra in the analysis of [WCE] stars,
G. R. Keller, L. Bianchi, J. E. Herald, W. J. Maciel, Circumstellar Dynamics at High
Resolution,, ASP Conference Series Vol. 464, Ed. A. C. Carciofi, Th. Rivinius,
309-316 (2012)
abstract (HTML)
- Kinematic age determination of planetary nebuula central stars,
T. S. Rodrigues, W. J. Maciel, IAU Symposium No. 283,
Ed. A. Manchado, L. Stanghellini, D. Schönberner, 486-487 (2012)
abstract (HTML)
- Radial abundance gradients from planetary nebulae and young objects: age effects,
W. J. Maciel, T. S. Rodrigues, R. D. D. Costa, IAU Symposium No. 283,
Ed. A. Manchado, L. Stanghellini, D. Schönberner, 424-425 (2012)
abstract (HTML)
- Grids of synthetic spectra for H-poor central stars of planetary
nebulae (CSPNe), G. R. Keller, L. Bianchi, J. E. Herald, W. J. Maciel,
IAU Symposium No. 283, Ed. A. Manchado, L. Stanghellini, D. Schönberner,
404-405 (2012)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary nebulae and the chemical evolution of the galactic bulge:
new abundances of older objects, O. Cavichia, R. D. D. Costa, M. Mollá, W. J. Maciel,
IAU Symposium No. 283, Ed. A. Manchado, L. Stanghellini, D. Schönberner, 326-327
abstract (HTML)
- The star formation rate in the Milky Way: Results from stars and planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, H. J. Rocha-Pinto, R. D. D. Costa, The Spectral Energy Distribution of
Galaxies, IAU Symposium No. 284, Ed. R.J. Tuffs, C.C. Popescu, CUP, 379-381 (2012)
abstract (HTML)
- Lithium abundances and metallicities: trends from metal-poor and AGB/RGB stars,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Mem. Soc. Astr. It. Suppl.
23, 103-109 (2012)
abstract (HTML)
- Age distribution of AGB stars and central stars of planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, T. E. P. Idiart, Why galaxies care about AGB stars II:
shining examples and common inhabitants, Ed. F. Kerschbaum, T. Lebzelter, R. F. Wing.
ASP CS Vol. 445, 343-344 (2011)
abstract (HTML)
- Kinematic ages of central stars of planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, T. S. Rodrigues, R. D. D. Costa, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof.
47, 401(2011)
abstract (HTML)
- A New Grid of Synthetic Spectra for the Analysis of [WC]-type
Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae,
G. R. Keller, J. E. Herald, L. Bianchi, W. J. Maciel, R. C. Bohlin, Monthly Notices Roy.
Astron. Soc. 418, 705-728 (2011)
abstract (HTML)
- Diagnostic tool to analyse CMDs of poorly populated stellar concentrations,
D. B. Pavani, L. O. Kerber, E. Bica, W. J. Maciel, Monthly Notices Roy.
Astron. Soc. 412, 1611 (2011)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary nebulae in the inner Milky Way II: The bulge-disk transition,
O. Cavichia, R. D. D. Costa, W. J. Maciel Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof.
47, 49 (2011)
abstract (HTML)
- Symmetric vs. asymmetric planetary nebulae: morphology and chemical abundances,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Asymmetric planetary nebulae V, ed. A. A. Zijlstra,
F. Lykou, I. McDonald, E. Lagadec, publ. eletrônica, Ebrary, 54-57 (2011)
abstract (HTML)
- Nucleosynthesis and chemical evolution of intermediate-mass stars: results from
planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, T. E. P. Idiart Proceedings from the 11th Symposium on
Nuclei in the Cosmos Electronic publication, Proceedings of Science (PoS) (2010)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary nebulae in the inner Milky Way: new abundances,
O. Cavichia, R. D. D. Costa, W. J. Maciel Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof.
46, 159 (2010)
abstract (HTML)
- Age distribution of the central stars of galactic disk planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, T, E, P. Idiart Astron. Astrophys.
512, A19 (2010)
abstract (HTML)
- Metallicity gradients in the Milky Way,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, IAU Symp. 265, Chemical abundances in the Universe:
Connecting the first Stars to Planets, ed. K. Cunha, M. Spite, B. Barbuy, CUP, vol. 5, 317 (2010)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary nebulae and the chemical evolution of the Magellanic Clouds,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, T, E, P. Idiart Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof.
45, 127 (2009)
abstract (HTML)
- Ages of central stars of planetary nebulae, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, T. E. P. Idiart,
IAU Symp. 258, The ages of stars, ed. E.E. Mamajek, D.R. Soderblom, R.F.G. Wyse,
CUP, publicação eletrônica, http://abstracts.stsci.edu/IAU258/Maciel.pdf (2009)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical evolution of the Magellanic Clouds based on planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, T. E. P. Idiart, IAU Symp. 256, The Magellanic System:
Stars, Gas, and Galaxies, ed. J. Th. van Loon, J. M. Oliveira, CUP,
publicação eletrônica (2009), http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/iaus256/proceedings/p10.ps
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance gradients in the galactic disk: space and time variations,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, IAU Symp. 254, The galactic disk in cosmological
context, ed. J. Andersen, J. Bland-Hawthorn, B. Nordström, CUP,
publicação eletrônica (2009)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical abundances of planetary nebulae in the disk-bulge connection,
R. D. D. Costa, O. Cavichia, W. J. Maciel, IAU Symp. 254, The galactic disk in cosmological
context, ed. J. Andersen, J. Bland-Hawthorn, B. Nordström, CUP,
publicação eletrônica (2009)
abstract (HTML)
- Metallicity effects on the modified wind momentum of CSPN,
W. J. Maciel, G. R. Keller, R. D. D. Costa, Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof.
44, 221 (2008)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical evolution of the galactic bulge: single and double infall models,
R. D. D. Costa, W. J. Maciel, A. V. Escudero, Baltic Astron.
17, 321 (2008)
abstract (HTML)
- Stellar winds from central stars of planetary nebulae: metallicity effects,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Mass loss from stars and the evolution of
stellar clusters, ed. A. de Koter, L. Smith, L. B. F. M. Waters, ASP vol. 388,
192 (2008)
abstract (HTML)
- The evolution of the galactic bulge from planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, A. V. Escudero,
IAU Symposium 245 - Formation and evolution of galactic bulges,
Ed. M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, B. Barbuy, 366 (2007)
abstract (HTML)
- The Abundance Gradient in Galactic H II Regions,
R. T., Rood, C. Quireza, T. M. Bania, D. S. Balser, W. J. Maciel,
From Stars to Galaxies: Building the Pieces to Build Up
the Universe, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 374, Ed. A. Vallenari,
R. Tantalo, L. Portinari, A. Moretti, 169 (2007)
abstract (HTML)
- Bayesian posterior classification of planetary nebulae according to the Peimbert types,
C. Quireza, H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel, Astron. Astrophys.
475, 217 (2007)
abstract (HTML)
- A survey of early-type stars based on the 2MASS database, R. P. Ortiz, M. Malacarne,
R. Wilhelm, R. D. D. Costa, S. Rossi, W. J. Maciel, A. F. M. Costa, Astron. J.
134, 1183 (2007)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical evolution of the Small Magellanic Cloud based on planetary nebulae,
T. P. Idiart, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Astron. Astrophysics 472,
101, (2007)
abstract (HTML)
- Time variation of radial gradients in the galactic disk: electron temperatures
and abundances, W. J. Maciel, C. Quireza, R. D. D. Costa, Astron. Astrophysics Letters
463, L13 (2007)
abstract (HTML)
- Evolution of planetary nebulae in the mid-infrared,
R. Ortiz, M. V. F. Copetti, W. J. Maciel, S. Lorenz-Martins,
Why galaxies care about AGB stars, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 378,
Ed. F. Kerschbaum, C. Charbonnel, R. F. Wing, 329 (2007)
abstract (HTML)
- A catalogue of distances of planetary nebulae, W. J. Maciel, Astron. Astrophysics
Suppl. Ser., 55, 253 (1984)
catalogue (PDF)
catalogue (ASCII)
original article(PDF)
- The Electron Temperature Gradient in the Galactic Disk, C. Quireza, R. T. Rood,
T. M. Bania, D. S. Balser, W. J. Maciel, Astrophysical Journal 653, 1226
abstract (HTML)
- Dynamical evidence of the age-metallicity relation in the Milky Way disk,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, R. H. O. Rangel, G. F. Porto de Mello, G. A. Bragança,
W. J. Maciel,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 453, L9 (2006)
abstract (HTML)
- An estimate of the time variation of the abundance gradient from
planetary nebulae III. O, S, Ar, and Ne: A comparison of PN samples,
W. J. Maciel, L. G. Lago, R. D. D. Costa,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 453, 587 (2006)
abstract (HTML)
- New results on the time variation of the radial abundance
gradients from planetary nebulae, W. J. Maciel, L. G. Lago,
R. D. D. Costa, Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and beyond,
IAU Symposium 234, ed. M. J. Barlow, R. H. Mendez, ASP, 453 (2006)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary nebulae as probes for galactic chemical evolution,
R. D. D. Costa, W. J. Maciel, Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and beyond,
IAU Symposium 234, ed. M. J. Barlow, R. H. Mendez, ASP, 243 (2006)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance Variations in the Galactic Disk:
Planetary Nebulae, Open Clusters and Field Stars,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, Chemical abundances and mixing
in stars in the Milky Way and its satellites, ESO/Arcetri Conference,
ed. S. Randich, L. Pasquini, Springer, p. 62 (2006)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical composition of planetary nebulae: the Galaxy and the
Magellanic Clouds, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, T. E. P. Idiart,
Planetary Nebulae beyond the Milky Way, ESO Workshop, ed.
L. Stanghellini, J. A. Walsh, N. G. Douglas, Springer, p. 209 (2006)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary Nebulae as a Chemical Evolution Tool: Abundance Gradients,
W. J. Maciel, L. G. Lago, R. D. D. Costa,
Planetary Nebulae as Astronomical Tools, ed. R. Szczerba, G. Stasinska,
S. Gorny, AIP, 246-249 (2005)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary Nebulae and the chemical evolution of the galactic bulge,
R. D. D. Costa, A. V. Escudero, W. J. Maciel,
Planetary Nebulae as Astronomical Tools, ed. R. Szczerba, G. Stasinska,
S. Gorny, AIP, 252-255 (2005)
abstract (HTML)
- A new determination of the rotation curve from galactic disk
planetary nebulae, W. J. Maciel, L. G. Lago,
Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. 41, 383 (2005)
abstract (HTML)
- An estimate of the time variation of the abundance gradient from
planetary nebulae II. Comparison with open clusters, cepheids and young
objects, W. J. Maciel, L. G. Lago, R. D. D. Costa,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 433, 127 (2005)
abstract (HTML)
- Evolution from AGB to planetary nebula in the MSX survey,
R. Ortiz, S. Lorenz-Martins, W. J. Maciel, E. M. Rangel,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 431, 565 (2005)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical enrichment and star formation in the Milky Way disk III.
Chemodynamical constraints, H.J. Rocha-Pinto, C. Flynn, J. Scalo, J. Häninnen, W.J. Maciel,
G. Hensler, Astronomy and Astrophysics 423, 517 (2004)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundances of planetary nebulae in the direction of the
galactic anticenter,
R.D.D. Costa, M.M.M. Uchida, W.J. Maciel
Astronomy and Astrophysics 423, 199 (2004)
abstract (HTML)
- New abundances of planetary nebulae in the Galactic Bulge,
A.V. Escudero, R.D.D. Costa, W.J. Maciel
Astronomy and Astrophysics 414, 211 (2004)
abstract (HTML)
- PN and galactic chemical evolution,
W.J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa
Planetary Nebulae, IAU Symp. 209,
S. Kwok, M. Dopita, R. Sutherland (eds.), ASP, 551-558 (2003)
abstract (HTML)
- An estimate of the time variation of the O/H radial gradient from
planetary nebulae,
W.J. Maciel, R.D.D. Costa, M.M.M. Uchida,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 397, 667 (2003)
abstract (HTML)
- Using Cepheids to determine the Galactic abundance gradient
III. First results for the outer disc,
S.M. Andrievsky, V.V. Kovtyukh, R.E. Luck,
J.R.D. Lèpine, W.J. Maciel, Yu. V. Beletsky,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 392, 491 (2002)
abstract (HTML)
- Chromospherically young, kinematically old stars,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, B. V. Castilho, W.J. Maciel,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 384, 912 (2002)
abstract (HTML)
- Using Cepheids to determine the Galactic abundance gradient
II. Towards the galactic center,
S.M. Andrievsky, D. Bersier, V.V. Kovtyukh, R.E. Luck, W.J. Maciel,
J.R.D. Lèpine, Yu. V. Beletsky,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 384, 140 (2002)
abstract (HTML)
- Using Cepheids to determine the Galactic abundance gradient
I. The solar neighbourhood,
S.M. Andrievsky, V.V. Kovtyukh, R.E. Luck, J.R.D. Lèpine, D. Bersier,
W.J. Maciel, B. Barbuy, V.G. Klochkova, V.E. Panchuk, R.U. Karpischek,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 381, 32 (2002)
abstract (HTML)
- Radial gradients and metallicities in the galactic disk,
W.J. Maciel,
Ionized gaseous nebulae,
Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof. S. Conf. 12, 207 (2002)
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- He contamination from planetary nebula progenitor stars: the He/H
radial gradient and the Delta Y/Delta Z enrichment ratio, W.J. Maciel,
Astrophys. Space Sci. 277, 545 (2001)
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- Radial abundance gradients as a constraint of the
[O/Fe] x [Fe/H] relation in the galactic disk,
W.J. Maciel
New Astronomy Reviews 45, 571 (2001)
abstract (HTML)
- Gravity distances of planetary nebulae II. Application to a
sample of galactic objects, J.O. Cazetta,
W.J. Maciel, Astrophys. Space Sci. 277, 393 (2001)
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article (PDF)
- Planetary nebulae: abundances and abundance gradients,
W.J. Maciel, The evolution of the Milky Way: stars versus
F. Matteucci, F. Giovannelli (eds.), Kluwer, 81 (2000)
abstract (HTML)
- Some aspects of the chemical evolution of 4He in the
Galaxy: the He/H radial gradient and the Delta Y/Delta Z enrichment
ratio, W.J. Maciel, the light elements and their evolution,
IAU Symposium 198,
L. da Silva, M. Spite, J. R. de Medeiros (eds.), ASP, 204 (2000)
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- Chemical enrichment and star formation in the Milky Way disk I. Sample description
and chromospheric age-metallicity relation,
H.J. Rocha-Pinto, W.J. Maciel, J. Scalo, C. Flynn,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 358, 850 (2000)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical enrichment and star formation in the Milky Way disk II. Star
formation history, H.J. Rocha-Pinto, J. Scalo, W.J. Maciel, C. Flynn,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 358, 869 (2000)
abstract (HTML)
- An intermittent star formation history in a "normal" disk galaxy: The
Milky Way, H.J. Rocha-Pinto, J. Scalo, W.J. Maciel, C. Flynn,
Astrophys. J. Lett. 531, L115 (2000)
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article (PDF)
- Observations of planetary nebulae in the Galactic Bulge,
F. Cuisinier, W.J. Maciel, J. Köppen, A. Acker, B. Stenholm,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 353, 543 (2000)
abstract (HTML)
- Distances of galactic planetary nebulae based on a relationship
between the central star mass and the N/O abundance ratio, J.O. Cazetta,
W.J. Maciel, Rev. Mex. Astron. & Astrof. 36, 3 (2000)
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article (PDF)
- Metallicity distribution of bulge planetary nebulae and the
[O/Fe] x [Fe/H] relation,
W.J. Maciel, Astronomy and Astrophysics 351, L49 (1999)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance gradients in the outer galactic disk from planetary
W.J. Maciel, C. Quireza
Astron. Astrophys. 345, 629 (1999)
abstract (HTML)
table 1
- Age-metallicity relation and star formation history of the galactic disk,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel, J. Scalo, C. Flynn, Galaxy evolution,
ed. M. Spite, Astrophys. Space Sci. 265, 245 (1999)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance gradients in the outer galactic disk,
W. J. Maciel, C. Quireza, Galaxy evolution, ed. M. Spite,
Astrophys. Space Sci. 265, 269–270 (1999)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical abundances of newly discovered planetary nebulae in the galactic
R. D. D. Costa,W. J. Maciel, Galaxy evolution, ed. M. Spite,
Astrophys. Space Sci. 265, 327–329 (1999)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance gradients and star formation in spiral galaxies,
W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, H. J. Rocha-Pinto, C. Quireza
Science with Gemini - A south american perspective ed. B Barbuy et al., 239 (1998)
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- The galactic bulge: the problem of planetary nebulae abundances,
F. Cuisinier, W. J. Maciel, A. Acker, J. Koeppen
Science with Gemini - A south american perspective ed. B Barbuy et al., 222 (1998)
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- Consistency of the metallicity distribution of nearby F, G
and K dwarfs,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 339, 791 (1998)
abstract (HTML)
- Determination of the IMF on the basis of a recently
derived SFR history in the solar neighbourhood,
W. J. Maciel, H. J. Rocha-Pinto
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Society 299, 889 (1998)
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- Metallicity effects on the chromospheric activity-age
relation for late-type dwarfs,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Society 298, 332 (1998)
abstract (HTML)
- The production and depletion rates in models for the chemical
evolution of the Galaxy,
L.I. Arany-Prado, W. J. Maciel,
Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis. 34, 21 (1998)
abstract (HTML)
- Gravity distances of planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, J. O. Cazetta
Astrophys. Space Sci. 249, 341 (1997)
abstract (HTML)
- History of the star formation in the local disk from the G dwarf
metallicity distribution,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Society 289, 882 (1997)
abstract (HTML)
- The G dwarf metallicity distribution and the problem of stellar
lifetimes lower than the disk age,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 325, 523 (1997)
abstract (HTML)
- The history of the star formation rate in the local disk,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel
in Star formation - near and far, ed. S.S. Holt, L.G. Mundy,
IOP, 437 (1997)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical abundances for a planetary nebulae sample located outside
the solar circle,
R. D. D. Costa, C. Chiappini, W. J. Maciel, J. A. Freitas
in Advances in stellar evolution, ed. R. Rood, A. Renzini,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 159 (1997)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance gradients from planetary nebulae in the galactic disk,
W. J. Maciel
in Planetary Nebulae, IAU Symp. 180, eds. H. J. Habing,
H. J. G. L. M. Lamers, Kluwer, Dordrecht 397-404 (1997)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance gradients in the Galaxy,
W. J. Maciel
in Stellar Abundances, eds. B. Barbuy, W. J. Maciel,
J. C. Gregório-Hetem, IAG/USP, São Paulo, 79 (1996)
abstract (HTML)
- The metallicity distribution of G dwarfs and the history of the
SFR in the solar neighbourhood,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel
in Stellar Abundances, eds. B. Barbuy, W. J. Maciel,
J. C. Gregório-Hetem, IAG/USP, São Paulo, 67 (1996)
abstract (HTML)
- AGB stars: densities and formation rates obtained from OH/IR stars,
R. Ortiz, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 313, 180 (1996)
abstract (HTML)
- The rotation curve of the Galaxy obtained from planetary nebulae and
AGB stars,
L. H. Amaral, R. Ortiz, J. R. D. Lépine, W. J. Maciel
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 281, 339 (1996)
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- New abundances of southern planetary nebulae,
R. D. D. Costa, C. Chiappini, W. J. Maciel, J. A. Freitas
Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. 116, 249 (1996)
abstract (HTML)
- The metallicity distribution in the solar neighbourhood,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, W. J. Maciel
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 279, 447 (1996)
abstract (HTML)
- Radial abundance gradients in the galactic disk: observations and
W. J. Maciel
Proc. XX SAB Meeting, ed. B.Barbuy, N.V. Leister, J. Braga,
113 (1996)
abstract (HTML)
- The evolution of radial abundance gradients in the Galaxy,
C. Chiappini, W. J. Maciel
in The formation of the Milky Way, eds. E. Alfaro, A. J.
Delgado, Cambridge, 171 (1995)
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- New kinematic distances of NGC 7009 and BD+303639 from UV and
radio data,
W. J. Maciel
Astrophys. Space Sci. 229, 203 (1995)
abstract (HTML)
- Hbeta luminosities of planetary nebula central stars,
W. J. Maciel, J. O. Cazetta
Astrophys. Space Sci. 222, 147 (1994)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundances and radial gradients from disk planetary nebulae: He, N,
C, and Cl,
W. J. Maciel, C. Chiappini
Astrophys. Space Sci. 219, 231 (1994)
abstract (HTML)
- A model for the chemical evolution of the Galaxy with refuses,
H. J. Rocha-Pinto, L. I. Arany-Prado, W. J. Maciel
Astrophys. Space Sci. 211, 241 (1994)
abstract (HTML)
- Location of PN central stars on the HR diagram,
J. O. Cazetta, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 290, 936 (1994)
abstract (HTML)
- Planetary nebulae and the helium-to-metals enrichment ratio,
C. Chiappini, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 288, 921 (1994)
abstract (HTML)
- The OH/IR-planetary nebula connection: space distribution and
R. Ortiz, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 287, 552 (1994)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundance gradients from disk planetary nebulae: O, Ne, S, and Ar,
W. J. Maciel, J. Köppen
Astron. Astrophys. 282, 436 (1994)
abstract (HTML)
- Metal-poor planetary nebulae: effects of winds,
W. J. Maciel
Astrophys. Space Sci. 209, 65 (1993)
abstract (HTML)
- Space distribution and metallicities of globular clusters,
W. J. Maciel
Astrophys. Space Sci. 206, 285 (1993)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundances of non-type I planetary nebulae in the LMC,
J. A. Freitas Pacheco, R. D. D. Costa, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 279, 567 (1993)
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- He2-90: a southern planetary nebula with low metal abundances,
R. D. D. Costa, J. A. Freitas Pacheco, W. J. Maciel
Astron. Astrophys. 276, 184 (1993)
abstract (HTML)
- Galactic abundance gradients: application of the simple model of
chemical evolution,
W. J. Maciel
Nuclei in the cosmos, ed. F. Käppeler, K. Wisshak, IOP
Publishing, 465 (1993)
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- Nebular abundances and the chemical evolution of the Galaxy,
W. J. Maciel
Elements and the cosmos, ed. M. G. Edmunds, R. J. Terlevich,
Cambridge University Press, 210 (1992)
abstract (HTML)
- Radial abundance gradients and the simple model of chemical
evolution of the Galaxy,
W. J. Maciel
Astrophys. Space Sci. 196, 23 (1992)
abstract (HTML)
- Kinematics of disk planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, C. M. Dutra
Astron. Astrophys. 262, 271 (1992)
abstract (HTML)
- Chemical abundances of disk planetary nebulae,
J. A. Freitas Pacheco, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa
Astron. Astrophys. 261, 579 (1992)
abstract (HTML)
- Abundances of southern Type I planetary nebulae,
J. A. Freitas Pacheco, W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa, B. Barbuy
Astron. Astrophys. 250, 159 (1991)
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- Metal-poor planetary nebulae with low mass central stars,
W. J. Maciel, J. A. Freitas Pacheco, S. J. Codina-Landaberry
Astron. Astrophys. 239, 301 (1990)
abstract (HTML)
- Strongly metal deficient planetary nebulae,
W. J. Maciel, J. A. Freitas Pacheco, S. J. Codina-Landaberry
Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis. 21, 517 (1990)
abstract (HTML)
- Determination of the galactic rotation curve based on planetary
C. M. Dutra, W. J. Maciel
Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis. 21, 264 (1990)
abstract (HTML)
- New results on the determination of the pregalactic helium
W. J. Maciel, C. C. M. Leite
Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrofis. 21, 197 (1990)
abstract (HTML)