O. Cavichia, M. Mollá, R. D. D. Costa, W. J. Maciel
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 437, 3688–3701 (2014)
In the absence of an interaction, central bars might be the most effective mechanism
for radial motions of gas in barred spiral galaxies, which represent two-thirds of disc
galaxies. The dynamical effects induced by bars in the first few kpc of discs might play
an important role in the disc profiles in this region. In this work, a chemical evolution
model with radial gas flows is proposed in order to mimic the effects of the Milky
Way bar in the bulge and inner disc. The model is an update of a chemical evolution
model with the inclusion of radial gas flows in the disc and bulge. The exchange of gas
between the cylindrical concentric regions that form the Galaxy is modeled considering
the flows of gas from and to the adjacent cylindrical regions. The most recent data
for the bulge metallicity distribution is reproduced by means of a single and longer
bulge collapse timescale (2 Gyr) than other chemical evolution models predict. The
model is able to reproduce the peak in the present star formation rate at 4 kpc and the
formation of the molecular gas ring. The model with a bar predicts a flattening of the
oxygen radial gradient of the disc. Additionally, models with radial gas flows predict
a higher star formation rate during the formation of the bulge. This is in agreement
with the most recent observations of the star formation rate at the centre of massive
barred spiral galaxies.
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