B. Barbuy, V. Bawden Macanhan, P. Bristow, B. Castilho, H. Dekker, B. Delabre,
M. Diaz, C. Gneiding, F. Kerber, H. Kuntschner, G. La Mura, W. Maciel, J. Meléndez,
L. Pasquini, C. B. Pereira, P. Petitjean, R. Reiss, C. Siqueira-Mello, R. Smiljanic, J. Vernet
Astrophys Space Sci. 354, 191-204 (2014)
CUBES is a high-efficiency, medium-resolution
(R ~ 20,000) ground based UV (300–400 nm) spectrograph,
to be installed in the cassegrain focus of one of ESO’s
VLT unit telescopes in 2017/18. The CUBES project is a
joint venture between ESO and IAG/USP, and LNA/MCTI.
CUBES will provide access to a wealth of new and relevant
information for stellar as well as extragalactic sources.Main
science cases include the study of beryllium and heavy elements
in metal-poor stars, the direct determination of carbon,
nitrogen and oxygen abundances by study of molecular
bands in the UV range, as well as the study of active galactic
nuclei and the quasar absorption lines. With a streamlined
modern instrument design, high efficiency dispersing elements
and UV-sensitive detectors, it will give a significant
gain in sensitivity over existing ground based medium-high
resolution spectrographs, enabling vastly increased sample
sizes accessible to the astronomical community. We present
here a brief overview of the project including the status, science
cases and a discussion of the design options.
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