W. J. Maciel, T. S. Rodrigues, R. D. D. Costa
Rev. Mexicana Astron. Astrof. 47, 401-407 (2011)
The age distribution of the central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN) is estimated
using two methods based on their kinematic properties. First, the
expected rotation velocities of the nebulae at their Galactocentric distances
are compared with the predicted values for the rotation curve, and the differences
are attributed to the different ages of the evolved stars. Adopting
the relation between the ages and the velocity dispersions determined by the
Geneva-Copenhagen survey, the age distribution can be derived. Second, the
U, V, W, velocity components of the stars are determined, and the corresponding
age-velocity dispersion relations are used to infer the age distribution.
These methods have been applied to two samples of PN in the Galaxy.
The results are similar for both samples, and show that the age distribution of
the PN central stars concentrates in ages lower than 5 Gyr, peaking at about
1 to 3 Gyr.
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