W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa
IAU Symposium 254, The galactic disk in cosmological context,
CUP, ed. J. Andersen, J. Bland-Hawthorn, B. Nordström,
(in press, electronic publication), (2008)
Recent work on abundance gradients have focussed not only on their magnitudes, but
also on their spatial and temporal variations. In this work, we analyze the behaviour
of radial abundance gradients in the galactic disk giving special emphasis on these
variations. The data used includes planetary nebulae and objects in different age brackets,
namely open clusters, HII regions, cepheid variables and stars in OB associations. We find
evidences for a space variation of the radial gradients as measured for element ratios such
as O/H, S/H, Ne/H, Ar/H and [Fe/H], in the sense that the gradients tend to flatten out at
large galactocentric distances. Moreover, near the bulge-disk interface a steep decrease
in the abundances is observed. The time evolution of the gradients is also evaluated on the
basis of approximate ages attributed to the central stars of planetary nebulae and open
cluster stars. It is concluded that the available data is consistent with a time flattening
of the gradients during the last 6 to 8 Gyr, a time interval in which the age determinations
are probably more accurate.
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