W. J. Maciel, R. D. D. Costa
Mass loss from stars and the evolution of stellar clusters,
ed. A. de Koter, L. Smith, L. B. F. M. Waters, ASP vol. 388, 197-198(2008)
Radiative wind theory applied to hot stars and central stars of planetary
nebulae (CSPN) predicts a dependence of observed wind properties, such as
the modified wind momentum, with basic stellar parameters, such as the
stellar luminosity. Also, some dependence of this quantity is expected with
the stellar metallicity, in view of the fact that the driving mechanism
of the wind involves absorption lines of heavy elements. On the other hand,
the mass-luminosity relation as applied to these stars shows some discrepancies
when derived from either recent improved model atmospheres or evolutionary
tracks for post-AGB stars. In this work, we analyze the metallicity effects
on the modified wind momentum for CSPN by considering the expected dispersion
in this quantity caused by the metallicity range of the CSPN. Also, the
mass-luminosity relation of these stars is investigated on the basis of a
recently proposed relation between the core mass of planetary nebulae and
the observed nebular abundances. The IAG/USP database on the chemical
abundances is used as well as observed wind characteristics of the
central stars.
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