W. J. Maciel, S. Andrievsky
II Workshop Chemical abundances in gaseous nebulae, ed. M. V. Cardaci, G. F. Hagele,
E. Pérez-Montero, AAA Workshop Series Vol. 11, 95--104 (2019)
Radial abundance gradients are observed in the Galaxy and other galaxies
as well, and include several chemical elements in different stellar systems.
Possibly the most accurate gradients in the Galaxy are those determined
from chepheid variable stars. These objects have very accurate
abundances for many elements and are generally considered as standard
candles, so that their galactocentric distances are very well determined.
These stars are relatively young, with ages between the main types of
photoionized nebulae, namely the younger HII regions and the older planetary
nebulae. In this paper we consider the O/H and Fe/H gradients
based on a large sample of galactic cepheids, and compare the results
with recent determinations from photoionized nebulae.
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